Mila Kunis Plays a Depressed Heroin Addict in “Four Good Days”

Score: 9/10, A-

Yeah, this pretty much ticks all the boxes of a movie I’m bound to love: Addiction, troubled youth, dysfunctional parent-child relationship, emotional performances, heavy subject matter, etc.

Think Beautiful Boy, but with a mother and daughter instead of father and son.

Really, really interesting to see Mila Kunis go in a direction like this. She’s done a lot of mainstream rom-com type stuff in her career, so huge, huge respect to her for taking on a role like this.

I’m sad now. This movie is just really heavy and utterly depressing from beginning to end. For some reason these heavy movies have been affecting even more recently, and I won’t say this often, but I really need to just watch something lighter, because this is getting ridiculous.

Only watch this movie if you want to come out of it with a sad, hopeless state of mind. Kunis and Glenn Close both act sad for an hour and 40 minutes, and they do an incredible, heart-wrenching job of it. Kudos to them, but I also kind of hate them for doing this to me.

I also just want to reiterate how much respect I have for Kunis for doing this movie. She’s obviously super famous and successful and certainly didn’t need to do a movie like this, but she chose to. And she really put her all into it. It shows that she’s actually passionate and not just some Hollywood shill.

Okay, “review” over. I’m gonna go dream about some puppies or something.

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