Riley Keough Stars in Wild, Funny “Zola”

Score: 8/10, B
A24 Ranked

What a strange movie.

Riley Keough, who has become one of my favorite actresses, gives such an outrageous and purposely unrealistic performance here. In fact, all of the actors turn in caricatural performances, but none so more than Keough, who is just so unashamedly absurd in this thing. Everything from her ridiculous accent to her demeanor is just the biggest exaggeration of the most annoying person you can imagine, times 10.

It does seem, though, like everyone involved in the making of this had such a fun time with it. Based on a Twitter thread, the actual story might not be as wild and crazy as they seem to think it is, but they really put their all into it.

I am glad, though, that I didn’t actually read the Twitter thread beforehand. The ending was pretty shocking, although I felt like the movie finished a little abruptly.

I tend to love social commentary/satire movies, and this certainly fits that bill. While it feels a bit shallow compared to a masterpiece like Spring Breakers, it was outrageous enough to entertain me, and I appreciate them going all out in essentially making fun of modern people in today’s culture. There maybe wasn’t quite as much emotional depth as there could have been, but it got the job done and then some in terms of satirizing modern culture. And this was filmed back in 2018!

Did this story really need to be adapted into a movie? Maybe, maybe not. But respect to the filmmakers and the cast for putting their full effort into creating a funny, entertaining social satire. The whole movie is also sparkled in this glittery glow that’s hard to describe, and at times, the energy of the film is riveting.

Keough is proving herself as one of the most talented actresses of this generation. She deserves to be as famous as her grandpa!

If you enjoyed this content, check out more of my movie opinions on my Letterboxd profile and follow me on Twitter here.

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